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FREE shortie yoga flows to get a taste of our offerings.

DISCLAIMER: It is up to you to decide a class is within your range of practice based on your physical limitations. Keep in mind yoga can be challenging, but it should never be painful. It is imperative you listen to your body and work within your physical limitations. These practices are not created for pregnant or postpartum people in mind; it would be best to find someone who is certified in pre and post natal yoga. It is important that you consult with your doctor before any physical activity, especially if you have a past or current injury. The techniques and suggestions presented in this website, and associated YouTube and social media sites are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice. Consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. Please practice in an area that is free from obstacles and wear non-restrictive clothing. Stop exercising if you feel any discomfort including: dizziness, nausea, light-headed, or feel faint. Only you are responsible for how you feel during any physical activity. Never force yourself into any posture or pose you are uncomfortable with or experience pain in. Yoga with Kelsey Walling and Wild Intent Yoga assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques and classes. Participation in any online yoga class is at the participants own risk. By remaining on this Site and/or accessing and / or using any material, you are accepting that you have read, understood and agreed to these instructions.

Gentle Feel Goods

All levels flow, tuning into breath and body to gently awaken the spine. Restorative style.

Quick Side Body Opening

Take a quick journey through side body opening by moving into gentle shapes to feel good! Slow Flow style.

Warrior 3 Explorations

A quick exploration of a transition from crescent lunge to Warrior 3.

Gentle Shoulder & Spine Love

Join me in a slow paced class where we provide a lovely stretch for the shoulders, chest & spine with a fun, swimmy transition. Grab your cozies and let’s move slowwww. Slow Flow/Restorative Style.

Heat Building Garden Flow

As the sun welcomes us into summer, we are getting ready for the heat. This balancing sequence kicks right up into it after a short warm up. We will extrapolate surya namaskar 2 with a transition from Figure 4 Chair to Warrior 2. Heat Building Flow.

Wind Down Before Bed

Get relaxed and stay relaxed before bed with this gentle, slow flow.

Twisty Sun Sals

This class is a twisty extrapolation of Sun Salutations. Twists can bring an automatic “feel good” component to your practice. Join me today to loosen up the muscles around your spine and have a nice stretch. Pair this with a warm up & cool down (or any of my classes) to mix & match a practice specific for your needs.

Journey to Half Moon

Captain’s Log, Star Date 061923 Today we will be on a Journey to Half Moon. We won’t be exploring for too long, but it will still be dope.